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Leaders Step Up Pressure on China : U.S Intensifies Criticism of China's Yuan Policy

U.S. leaders took swipes at China on Thursday, as the Senate voted to advance a bill to penalize countries said to be manipulating their currencies and President Barack Obama accused the country of manipulating the yuan.
WSJ's Michael Crittenden looks at a proposed U.S. Senate bill that would compel the Obama Administration to levy tariffs against China and other countries for their 'misaligned' currencies. Photo: STR/AFP/Getty Images
U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk separately demanded that China disclose details to the World Trade Organization on a large number of government subsidies to ensure it is complying with global trade rules. The U.S. notified the WTO of almost 200 subsidy programs China has failed to disclose, as well as 50 India measures.
The Senate's currency bill would compel the Obama administration to levy tariffs and other penalties against China and other countries for having "misaligned" currencies. The measure reflects lawmakers' concerns that China holds down the value of its currency, the yuan, in an effort to boost the country's exports.

The Senate was expected to vote to pass the currency measure Thursday night, but Democrats and Republicans got into a scuffle over how to wind down debate on the bill and finish voting on amendments to the measure. The breakdown occurred after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) attempted to limit the ability of Republicans to bring up politically sensitive amendments, prompting objections from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.). The vote is now scheduled for Tuesday at the earliest.
Mr. Obama's rare public criticism of China came at a White House news conference earlier in the day where he accused China of manipulating the yuan and taking other actions to bolster its growth at the expense of the rest of the world.

"China has been very aggressive in gaming the trading system to its advantage and to the disadvantage of other countries, particularly the United States," Mr. Obama said. But the president also expressed reservations about the Senate's bill, suggesting it could violate America's international treaty obligations on trade. He also acknowledged China has allowed some appreciation in the yuan but said "it's not enough."

The growing focus on China comes as lawmakers worry about the faltering U.S. economy and its role in the elections, a scant 13 months away. China's management of the yuan has long bothered policy makers, particularly those from manufacturing states, who insist that Beijing holds down the value of its currency to benefit Chinese exports to the detriment of U.S. companies.

In the Senate, 62 lawmakers, including a dozen Republicans who broke with their leadership, voted to end debate and move to the final stages of debate on the China bill. "We are in a trade war. We have our clocks cleaned every day and lose jobs every day because of unfair Chinese practices," Sen. Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) said on the Senate floor.

Thursday's vote was much closer than a similar tally taken Monday, when 79 senators voted to move ahead with the legislation. The bill lost significant Republican support because of GOP anger at being unable to offer amendments to the bill. Led by Mr. McConnell, 19 of the 31 Republican lawmakers that had voted in favor of the measure on Monday switched to vote against it. But Mr. McConnell was unable to sway enough Republicans to defeat the measure.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.), a supporter of the legislation, said it was one of the first times he had split with his leadership to vote with Democrats. He said he expected more Republicans to vote for the bill when it comes to a final vote.
In the House, the China issue is resonating with both Republicans and Democrats; a total of 226 lawmakers, which would be enough to pass the bill, have signed on to a House version of the currency bill. They include 61 Republicans who have bucked warnings from House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) that the legislation is "dangerous."

Mr. Boehner and Republican leaders are trying to tamp down an effort to bring the bill to the floor via a so-called discharge petition, which allows a majority of rank-and-file lawmakers to override leadership and bring legislation up for a floor vote.
A number of influential business groups, ranging from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to the Business Roundtable, have warned taking action against China could result in retaliation, undermining any potential gains to the U.S. economy.
"I don't think now is the right time to embrace a trade war," said Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.), who opposes the currency bill.
—Tom Barkley and Siobhan Hughes
contributed to this article.

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